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About this website

Information on this site is not intended to replace medical advice. We encourage all readers to seek independent medical advice before making any decisions based on the information provided on this website.

Images used on this site may include stock photos and the associated messaging may not represent the personal situation, views or beliefs of the people in the images.

This website was produced by Hepatitis Australia with support from the Australian Injecting & Illicit Drug Users League (AIVL).

Development of this site was made possible with grant funding from the Australian Government Department of Health. 

We would like to acknowledge the following individuals and organisations who supported the development of this site:

  • The Australian Injecting & Illicit Drug Users League (AIVL): Website partner
  • Renae Fomiatti, Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society: Content Review and Advisor
  • Kay Stanton, Your Community Health: Content Review and Advisor
  • Julie Page, Team Leader and Clinical Nurse Specialist, Napean Hospital: Clinical Review
  • Julie-Anne Downie, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Napean Hospital: Clinical Review
  • Amy Clasquin, Registered Nurse and Health Promotion Officer, Napean Hospital: Clinical Review
  • Beng Eu, General Practitioner, Prahan Market Clinic: Clinical Review
  • The Alcohol and Drug Foundation: Content sharing

Thank you to the community members who provided confidential input and feedback on the development of this site.

Some content on this website, including some of the quotes, were drawn and developed with permission from the following report: Fomiatti, R., Moore, D., Latham, J.R., Fraser, S., Lenton, E., Seear, K., Aitken, C. & Stanton, K. (2019). 

Understanding performance and image-enhancing drug injecting to improve health and minimise hepatitis C transmission: Findings and recommendations from a national qualitative project. Melbourne: The Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University.

Some content was also taken with permission from the Alcohol and Drug Foundation website.

References are shown here.