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References Side Effects

References Blood Borne Viruses

  • Hepatitis Australia. Hepatitis C. Available from Hepatitis Australia:
  • Hepatitis Australia. Hepatitis B. Available from Hepatitis Australia:
  • AFAO. HIV Prevention. Available from AFAO:
  • Quote from Fomiatti, R., Moore, D., Latham, J.R., Fraser, S., Lenton, E., Seear, K., Aitken, C. & Stanton, K. (2019). Understanding performance and image-enhancing drug injecting to improve health and minimise hepatitis C transmission: Findings and recommendations from a national qualitative project. Melbourne: The Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University.
  • Fomiatti, R., Lenton, E., Latham, J. R., Fraser, S., Moore, D., Seear, K., & Aitken, C. (2020). Maintaining the healthy body: Blood management and hepatitis C prevention among men who inject performance and image-enhancing drugs. International Journal of Drug Policy, 75, 102592.

References Bacterial and fungal infections

  • A-Clinic Foundation, FINCIS. Risks of Intermuscular Injections. Available from Dopinlinkki:
  • Exchange Supplies. 2016. Injecting Anabolic Steroids.
  • Quote from Fomiatti, R., Moore, D., Latham, J.R., Fraser, S., Lenton, E., Seear, K., Aitken, C. & Stanton, K. (2019). Understanding performance and image-enhancing drug injecting to improve health and minimise hepatitis C transmission: Findings and recommendations from a national qualitative project. Melbourne: The Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University.

References Damage to injecting sites

References How PIEDS Work

  • This information was copied with permission from ADF, the Alcohol and Drug Foundation. You can find the original information here.
  • Larance, B., Degenhardt, L., Dillon, P. & Copeland, J. (2005). Use of performance and image enhancing drugs among men: A review. Technical Report No. 232. Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre.
  • Australian Crime Commission. (2013). Organised crime and drugs in sport. Canberra: Australian Crime Commission.
  • World Anti-Doping Agency. (2014). The 2015 prohibited list: International standard. Montreal: World Anti-Doping Agency.

References Injecting Safely

  • Exchange Supplies. (2016). Injecting Anabolic Steroids. Available from Exchange Supplies:
  • Public Health Wales. Film/Video. Available from IPED Info: 
  • Fomiatti, R., Lenton, E., Latham, J. R., Fraser, S., Moore, D., Seear, K., & Aitken, C. (2020). Maintaining the healthy body: Blood management and hepatitis C prevention among men who inject performance and image-enhancing drugs. International Journal of Drug Policy75, 102592.

References Being Safe

  • Quote from Fomiatti, R., Moore, D., Latham, J.R., Fraser, S., Lenton, E., Seear, K., Aitken, C. & Stanton, K. (2019). Understanding performance and image-enhancing drug injecting to improve health and minimise hepatitis C transmission: Findings and recommendations from a national qualitative project. Melbourne: The Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University.

References for Treatment of Blood borne viruses
