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Side effects

So, at the moment, [the side effects] are something I’m trying to minimise with low[er] amounts of what I’m using. So the last cycle I probably had very harsh, adverse mental effects. [My] mind was just warped and [I] couldn’t see that, but everyone else could […]. Your sex drive obviously can be affected. Obviously your testicles stop working as soon as you inject an exterior source of […] So that kind of sucks a lot. – Fabian, NSW

All drugs (prescription or otherwise) can carry side effects. It’s important to understand what can happen, how to manage it and when to seek help.

People who use performance and image enhancing drugs (PIEDs), such as anabolic steroids, sometimes report unwanted effects. 

Liver problems

Your liver performs hundreds of jobs every day, including processing drugs and hormones. PIEDs may negatively affect your liver. Ask your doctor to perform liver function tests as part of your blood tests. Ideally you should have a blood test before, during and after starting a course.

Increased acne

Acne is a common side effect of steroid use. Cleaning your skin regularly and avoiding oily substances will help minimise acne. If you stop using steroids acne should subside in three to four weeks. If it does not, seek medical advice.

Breast tissue growth in men

Gynaecomastia (sometimes called Gyno) is a condition where breast tissue enlarges and may become sore and tender to touch. If your breast tissue becomes sore and swelling begins, it is recommended you seek medical advice. Gynaecomastia may require surgery.

Shrinkage of testes, decreased fertility and erectile dysfunction

Steroid use affects the way your body produces hormones. Men may experience lower sperm production and decreased function of the testes (hypogonadism). This can cause several issues with your sexual organs including erectile dysfunction, decreased sex drive and infertility. Many people find their sex drive increases dramatically when they start taking steroids, but then shuts down.

Depression and anxiety

Because steroids impact your hormone levels, some people report a drop in their mood or depression when they stop using them. This is thought to be caused by a drop in testosterone levels. If you continue to feel low or depressed, you should seek medical advice via a GP.

Aggression and violence

There is inconclusive and sometimes contradictory evidence linking anabolic steroid use with aggression and violence. Some people who use steroids report increased aggression, and some report that it helps them train harder. If you find that using steroids negatively impacts your mood or behaviour, you could consider reducing your dosage or stopping.

Health concerns for women

Limited research exists on women’s PIED use. Women who use PIEDs will experience virilisation. This is the development of masculinizing physical characteristics, such as a deeper voice, increased facial and body hair, thinning hair, clitoral enlargement and disruptions to the menstrual cycle. Some of these effects can become permanent. If these side effects are troubling, you should seek medical advice.

Heart problems

Some research suggests that anabolic steroid use may cause higher cholesterol and other health effects, such as damage to the heart. It’s important to get a medical check-up before starting a course of steroids. If possible, you should tell your doctor you intend to use steroids.

If you experience weakness and breathlessness while taking steroids, stop taking them and seek medical attention.

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